Krzysztof Turlej

Kraków, Poland ·

I am an engineer/programmer. I am fascinated with technology and computers. My current goal is to be better in programming with Java and to find a position as a Java developer.

So far most of my software development experience comes from the programming microcontrollers for a company in Atlanta, Georgia. Recently I have been working on bridging the gap between me and other programming technologies like Java/Spring, and when necessary some front-end web tools as well. I have couple of my own projects, to some you can find links on this page. Some have live versions deployed on Heroku and AWS.


Programming Languages & Tools
Works with:
  • Embedded Systems Programming (C/C++, LabView, CAN(J1939))
  • Java & Spring (Oracle Certification)
  • Git, Maven, Gradle, npm, gulp

My porjects

Links to my projects (live)

Spring+Angular+Gradle+Heroku project, so far mainly CRUD application

Live on heroku (takes 30s to first boot up) and its GitHub repository

Heroku app is still WIP, AWS "s-portfolio" app is temporarly down, sorry


I am interested in all aspects of software from "bare metal" level up to user interfaces and I like to know inner workings of things and how pieces work together.

Apart from being an Engineer, I enjoy my time being outdoors and to travel whenever I have a chance. When indoors, I usually follow classic sci-fi movies and books. Also interested in technology, logistics, civil aviation, trains and cars.